Month: April 2020

A Home Learning Experience

The gnome who had to stay at home

In an article on NEWS24 we are introduced to the work of Susan Perrow, an Australian whose ‘work’ passion is stories and storytelling. “As an author, storyteller, teacher trainer and parent educator she has spent 30 years documenting stories from numerous cultures, writing stories and telling stories to groups of children and adults – all this …

Choosing Play over Home Schooling

The immedate reaction from many parents and teachers when Lockdown was declared, was one of shock. How would the children be taught all the work that was set out for the year? Schools began setting up remote access for learners, putting together programs and searching for available resources. Many parents joined in the frenzy and …

Coronavirus – A Story for Children

Helping your children deal with the Coronavirus and more specifically the Lockdown, can be a difficult task. Fortunately you are not alone and many experts are ready to offer you advice. Stories have been written and videos have been posted, so help is close at home. Coronavirus Story: Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson and Nia Roberts …

Diary Day 5

Friday at last. A week looking after two children is heavy going, even for a fit person. The daily routine took place as usual, with tasks fitted in between. A mosaic tree on a paper plate, tender care for the bean plant, a dose of Jungle Book on TV and a session on the Tablet …

Diary Day 4

I wake at around 5:30 each day and try to get some “me” time in before my two charges wake up. This happened at 7:00 for Emily and 8:00 for Ethan. Breakfast, bathing and dressing always offer a learning opportunity. Discussions about healthy foods, good hygiene and clothing for different weather conditions were part of …

Diary Day 3

Wednesday started off slowly so I was able to do a few things that did not involve children. Ethan and Emily were not very co-operative and home schooling with teacher was disappointing. Emily was disruptive and caused her poor mother a bit of embarrassment. We all insisted she apologise before we would include her in …

Diary Day 2

Tuesday began with drama. Emily woke up still in her clothes because she had fallen asleep on the couch. She was puzzled and annoyed, hinting that I miight be to blame! The usual discussions and million questions followed. As the rest of the household was still sleeping we went off to her art corner in …

Diary Day 1

As the primary caregiver for two young children my day begins early as my four year old granddaughter is an early riser!. My door opens with the words: “Granny …” After that anything can happen. Monday started off in the usual manner with Emily, the four year old, asking me a million questions about why …

Life And The Lockdown

It has been almost a month since Cyril Ramaphosa announced to South Africans that the country was going into lockdown.Since then we have experienced a multitude of emotions: fear, loneliness, stress, anger, grief, resentment and even jealousy. Those of us who are caught far from home are homesick and sad. We have witnessed acts of …

From Celeste Marks, Department Head, Life Skills, Lynnwood Ridge Primary School

Hey Guys! Talk about making lemonade out of lemons – I have always said that with PSW/LO we talk life! Well… it does not get more real than the Corona Virus and this Lockdown! Parents – this one is for the kids ☺ I know that we may be feeling cooped up or caged in. …