Ease the Stress
As the lockdown continues, I find myself moving through a whole range of emotions and feelings on a daily basis. Anxiety, sadness, relief, worry, joy, appreciation, disappointment, to name but […]
The Benefits of Exercise
The word exercise, for most adults, conjures up images of working out in the gym, running on a treadmill, lifting weights, cycling or running on the open road. But for […]
Choosing Play over Home Schooling
The immedate reaction from many parents and teachers when Lockdown was declared, was one of shock. How would the children be taught all the work that was set out for […]
Diary Day 5
Friday at last. A week looking after two children is heavy going, even for a fit person. The daily routine took place as usual, with tasks fitted in between. A […]
Diary Day 4
I wake at around 5:30 each day and try to get some “me” time in before my two charges wake up. This happened at 7:00 for Emily and 8:00 for […]
Diary Day 3
Wednesday started off slowly so I was able to do a few things that did not involve children. Ethan and Emily were not very co-operative and home schooling with teacher […]
Diary Day 2
Tuesday began with drama. Emily woke up still in her clothes because she had fallen asleep on the couch. She was puzzled and annoyed, hinting that I miight be to […]
Diary Day 1
As the primary caregiver for two young children my day begins early as my four year old granddaughter is an early riser!. My door opens with the words: “Granny …” […]