Coronavirus – A Story for Children

A Home Learning Experience

Coronavirus – A Story for Children

Helping your children deal with the Coronavirus and more specifically the Lockdown, can be a difficult task. Fortunately you are not alone and many experts are ready to offer you advice. Stories have been written and videos have been posted, so help is close at home.

Coronavirus Story: Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson and Nia Roberts have written a book specially for children which makes a good ready. Share it with your children as it contains many facts as well as advic

The Monkey Story: Chris Vosters. is an illustrator from Belgium currently in a soft lockdown with his wife, kids, and cats. He explains about the coronavirus to his children using the Corona monkey as a guide. The monkey has helped his children understand the many changes they’ve had to make in daily lives.

So when the going gets tough, look for help. Many schools have psychologists who can give advice, ask other parents, talk to teachers, but don’t do this alone.

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