Online Learning Grade 4 to 7

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Updated regularly

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Grade 7 Geography

Updated regularly

Natural resources, renewable and non-renewable resources, abuse of natural resources, conservation, eco-tourism, water, dams, rivers, wetlands and responsible use of water. 

Grade 7 EMS

Term 4 prep

The production process, inputs, outputs, production sectors (primary, seconday, tertiary), sustainable use of resources, economic growth, productivity and technology.

Savings, purpose, banking, services, community savings schemes, financial organisations and entrepreneurship.


to be updated

The arrival of the British in the Cape, frontier wars, tensions, abolition of slavery, the Great Trek and Robert Moffat

IT Skills: Master new concepts and skills.

To be updated

Times Tables

Regular practice

DBE Workbooks

Easy downloads

Grade 4 – 7 workbooks, English, Afrikaans, Mathematics and  Grade R – 7.

Resources at Home


Exercise, safety, coping with COVID19, resources, Blog posts and much more.

Youtube Channel

Video learning

Many useful videos which teach new skills.

About us

A teacher with 40 years experience, a passion for learning and a love of children.

You’ll be amazed of how easy it is…

Visit regularly

Activities and links updated regularly.

Learning is fun

Learning doesn't have to be boring.

Set goals

Why be happy with poor results!

You can be a winner